Your Daily Vitamin & Mineral Needs
I am often asked the question, “I drink ViaViente every day. Do I need to take a multi-vitamin or any additional supplements?”
Most of your vitamin and mineral needs are met by consuming 1-2 ounces (ml) of ViaViente every day. However, there are three additional supplements that you may want to consider adding to your daily diet, depending on your particular needs.
Those supplements are: Omega 3, Vitamin D and Calcium.
OMEGA 3 – Unless you eat fish two to three times a week, you probably are not getting enough Omega 3. Omega 3 oils are the fatty acids found in fish and plant oils. They support a healthy brain and are essential for human health.
VITAMIN D – Known as the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D is linked to a healthy heart and strong bones. Vitamin D also helps ward off depression. If you live in a climate that does not provide enough daily, direct sunlight, you may need a Vitamin D supplement, 300 – 1000mg per day is sufficient.
CALCIUM – Women in particular can benefit from calcium supplementation to maintain strong bones throughout the years. You should be getting 1000 – 1200 mg of calcium daily in your diet. If you have osteoporosis, doctors recommend that you consume 1500mg of Calcium daily. If you don’t consume much dairy or other calcium-rich foods, you may want to consider adding a calcium supplement.
It is best to get most of your vitamins and minerals from food and ViaViente provides a broad array of vital nutrients that support your long-term health and keep you Feeling Younger Longer.